Closer To You


This week we bring you the second of our video exclusives - Mr Wilkinson has again been at work in the edit studio (about 2 years ago!) and we're very pleased to be able to bring you his video for 'Closer To You' - a track that seems to be a definite favourite amongst people who've heard the unreleased tracks.

Click here to read what Stuart has to say about this video...

To download the video in quicktime format, click the relevant link below:


[LOW RES] (8 MB)

(Get Quicktime Player here)

Travelling At Speed


So, we've been promising exclusive video for a long time and to follow the SBE webcast we now have something even more exclusive: A video for the unreleased song 'Travelling At Speed' produced by non other than Stuart "Baxter" Wilkinson!

Click here to read what Stuart has to say about this video...

To download the video in quicktime format, click the relevant link below:


[LOW RES] (14MB)

(Get Quicktime Player here)

Dum Dums live at Shepherd's Bush Empire on 19th December 2000

To mark the 3rd anniversary of the Dum Dums triumphant (and biggest) headlining gig at Shepherd's Bush Empire in London on the 19th December 2000, we're making the webcast of the full concert available for you to download.

Originally broadcast at the now defunct - you could in the past watch a streamed version of the gig, but now with broadband internet being more widely available we've decided to make the full gig available for you to download. Due to the size of the file, this won't be available forever - so download it now while you can, and if you don't have broadband find someone who does and ask them to download it and burn it onto a CD for you!

Hopefully you will watch this with fond memories.

Happy Christmas!

To download the webcast right-click here and choose 'save target as'

Warning: this file is 130mb (Windows Media Format) and will take a while to download on broadband, dial up modem users may have problems downloading - good luck!

Click here to see photos from the show...